Hi @nycplugged
Smush does not “create” additional thumbnails. It works on the images that are already created on site.
When you upload image to the site WordPress core automatically creates multiple copies of it, according to the number (and parameters) of registered images sizes.
By default you would have an original image and three additional smaller copies of it. But various plugins and theme can also register additional image sizes and that will make WordPress create more of them with each upload.
Smush itself only goes through them and and compresses them but that’s it.
What it can possibly create, however, is additional images in two very specific cases:
1. if you use Local WebP feature (but this is only in Pro version so wouldn’t apply here)
2. and/or if you “Backup original images” option enabled on “Smush -> Bulk Smush” page.
In that second case, however, all those additional images would be clearly recognizable by the “.bak” part in their file names. Those can be removed using FTP, cPanel’s “File Manager” or similar way.
Other than this, Smush does not create additional images, thus it has no tools to remove them either.
That being said, if you are sure those images were created by Smush:
– can you explain exactly how did you discover they are made by Smush?
– you mentioned DB, do you see those in DB or just in Media Library?
– are those copies of already existing images there were added when you run bulk-smushing?
Kind regards,