• My website is https://bestazemall.com/ . When you go to the website, at the bottom of the blog it says in red letters “edit this post”. You can click on it and it takes you to an editing page. I don’t want that on there, but I haven’t figured out a way to get it off. Help. Thanks.I’m just a beginner and have not learned all there is to know about WP, yet.

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  • I think it’s only showed up if you are login as admin. Unauthenticated user like me can’t see the link.

    So, don’t worry, and you don’t need to delete it. It actually is very usefull for admin as shortcut to edit a post without going to admin dashboard.

    Yes, that is right. That happen because you login as admin in wp admin wordpress. If you log out, that text will be gone

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