Hi, thanks for responding. The site is in maintenance mode pending development so I am sending you the page link and WP login at your site. It would be great for everyone if you can post your feedback here, though ??
Below are our current settings. We tweaked your php config file – it seems to work better across a variety of browsers/OS, except for Firefox OSX/Windows. The Playful skin also appears to make a difference. It’s hard to gauge performance across so many OS/browsers. Was not able to preset the volume, either.
[evp_embed_video url="https://steelfab.inovatechengineering.com/steel-pro-media/robotic-plasma-cutting-machine.mp4" poster="https://steelfab.inovatechengineering.com/wp-content/uploads/robotic-cutting-machine-sp-900-video.jpg" ratio="0.5625" class="playful"]
function easy_video_player_header() {
if (!is_admin()) {
$fp_config = '<!-- This content is generated with the Easy Video Player plugin v' . EASY_VIDEO_PLAYER_VERSION . ' - https://noorsplugin.com/wordpress-video-plugin/ -->';
$fp_config .= '<script>';
$fp_config .= 'flowplayer.conf.embed = false;';
$fp_config .= 'flowplayer.conf.keyboard = false;';
$fp_config .= 'flowplayer.conf.preLoad = true;';
$fp_config .= 'flowplayer.conf.autoBuffering = true;';
$fp_config .= 'flowplayer.conf.autoPlay = false;';
$fp_config .= 'flowplayer.conf.volume = 0.3;';
$fp_config .= '</script>';
$fp_config .= '<!-- Easy Video Player plugin -->';
echo $fp_config;