• Hello,

    Thanks for the awesome plugin.

    I was hoping to have the pickup delay be 24 hours, would you be able to help me update?

    I was trying to update it – but to be honest I don’t know what I”m doing =)

    				'title'     => __( 'Pickup Time Delay', $this->plugin_slug ),
    				'desc'     => __( 'Choose the time delay from the time of ordering for allowing local pickup orders.', $this->plugin_slug ),
    				'id'       => 'local_pickup_delay_minutes',
    				'css'      => 'width:100px;',
    				'default'  => '60',
    				'type'     => 'select',
    				'class'		=> 'chosen_select',
    				'desc_tip' =>  true,
    				'options' => array(
    					'5'      => __( '5 minutes', $this->plugin_slug ),
    					'10'      => __( '10 minutes', $this->plugin_slug ),
    					'15'      => __( '15 minutes', $this->plugin_slug ),
    					'20'      => __( '20 minutes', $this->plugin_slug ),
    					'30'	  => __( '30 minutes', $this->plugin_slug ),
    					'45'	  => __( '45 minutes', $this->plugin_slug ),
    					'60'	  => __( '1 hour', $this->plugin_slug ),
    					'120'	  => __( '2 hours', $this->plugin_slug ),
    					'2880'	  => __( '2 Days', $this->plugin_slug ),

    I tried to just add the ‘2880’ to woocommerce-local-pickup-time-select/woocommerce-local-pickup-time.php – and that added the option in the setting – but I’m thinking there is probably another step or I’ve done that wrong (I did the 2880 – because thats 48 hours in minutes)

    Thanks for your help!


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