• Resolved tester743


    Thanks for an awesome and free plugin.

    I need help with setting Youtube as default selected option in video type selection field in admin editor.

    I tried changing 'value' => 'default' to 'value' => 'youtube' for $fields in plugin’s functions.php but got no result. Reordering array of aiovg_get_video_source_types also does not help.

    Kindly ask you for assistance. Direct code edits without filters would be acceptable.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Plugin Contributor wpvideogallery


    1. Open the /wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-video-gallery/admin/videos.php file.

    2. Fine the line,

    $type = isset( $post_meta['type'] ) ? $post_meta['type'][0] : 'default';

    3. Replace it as,

    $type = isset( $post_meta['type'] ) ? $post_meta['type'][0] : 'youtube';

    4. Save the changes and try now.

    Hope, this solved your issue!

    Thread Starter tester743


    Many thanks, just what I needed!

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