• Resolved tk202303


    I recently updated to and the prebuilt data fields (address, city, state, etc) all have different meta keys that now start with ‘billing’ (i.e. billing_address_1). I’m not sure what caused this and based on the documentation these are incorrect. Unfortunately I am also unable to edit the meta keys to the prior values. Would anyone be able to tell me if these are correct new meta keys and if not is there a simple solution without manually updating them in the db to resolve this? Thank you in advance for your help!

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  • Plugin Author Chad Butler


    When the plugin updates, it looks to see if there are existing settings (and fields), and if so, it does not overwrite those. So I’m wondering if you possibly did this as a new install on an existing site (removing the plugin and then installing it)? Otherwise, this would be out of the ordinary.

    Prior to 3.2, the default meta keys were:

    first_name (text)
    last_name (text)
    addr1 (text)
    addr2 (text)
    city (text)
    thestate (text)
    zip (text)
    country (text)
    phone1 (text)
    user_email (email)
    confirm_email (email)
    user_url (text)
    description (textarea)
    password (password)
    confirm_password (password)
    tos (checkbox)

    In order to match up data, you can add a field in the Fields tab with the meta key that you need and delete the ones you do not. Do this for each field you need to match up with an old meta key. The user data will still be there under the meta key it was originally saved under.

    Thread Starter tk202303


    Thank you for the information!

    Thread Starter tk202303


    I was able to update the meta keys and all of that is working as expected. One problem that I am still running into it when I go to view users on the user list it shows the fields I manually created to hold the meta keys as well as the meta keys with ‘billing’ is there any way to delete these? Thank you!

    Thread Starter tk202303


    I ended up just updating the database to reflect the new billing meta keys. Thank you for your assistance!

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