Hello @jsd219,
Thank you for your inquiry, and I apologize for the delayed response. In order to set an image for blog posts that do not have an image associated with them, please do the following:
Open up the edit page of one of your blog posts, open the ‘Screen Options’ drop-down menu on the top right corner and tick the box next to ‘Custom Fields’. A new widget called ‘Custom Fields’ should appear just below your editor, where you can add a new name (e.g. “Related_Posts_thumbnails”) and a value (link) to the image which you would like to use as a thumbnail for that particular blog post.
Finally, go to your plugin settings and tick the box next to ‘Use custom field for thumbnails’ and select the “Related_Posts_thumbnails” custom field value (or whatever you chose to name it).
I hope this information helps, and please feel free to reach back out with any additional questions you may have.
Sovrn Support