Ah, I see what you are asking now – you want all the albums to be present on a page and auto-expanded to show all photos. Photonic specifically doesn’t have any setting for that.
This is mainly due to performance reasons, which might not apply to you directly. Let me explain why:
- It takes one call to fetch a listing of albums. Google Photos is stingy with what it returns (a maximum of 50 albums in one shot, unlike say Flickr that can return 500). So if you have more than 50 albums, more calls have to be made to fetch the entire list.
- For each album returned, it takes another call to fetch the photos. Google (and in this case no provider) can return photos unless the album is explicitly requested. So if you have 30 albums, this is going to make 31 calls in total to fetch your albums and photos, while for most cases I just have to make one call (unless I am dealing with nested structures like Flickr Collections, SmugMug folders, or Zenfolio Groups). Having additional calls can noticeably increase lag on your page.
- Now here is the clincher – the Google Photos API is currently in a Developer Preview mode. This is because they are ironing out a lot of kinks in the API at the moment (I myself have raised 3 bugs and 1 feature request for them). The main limitation of the developer preview is that it limits you to 2500 API calls a day. So if your page has 30 albums (and 31 calls) and receives 83 visits in a day, the 84th visit will start returning errors!
So I have an alternative proposal for you: consider using an interim popup. You can configure this via settings under Photonic → Settings → Generic Options → Overlaid Popup Panel → Enable Interim Popup for Album Thumbnails, or for a gallery explicitly by passing an additional popup='show'
parameter to the shortcode.
Now your albums shortcode will still operate as you currently have it. Any new albums will get automatically added. And when a user clicks on an album thumbnail, instead of seeing the lightbox directly, (s)he will first be shown an overlay with all the photos in the album, which can then be clicked individually to show a lightbox. This keeps your requests on demand, the same way that you have right now. In other words, there is one call to fetch the album listing, and one call per album that is clicked.