Hi just so you know I have added an option into the admin area where you can override the siteurl value JUST for deeplinking in the Tagging function.
It’s only in the premium version though.
So you can pay for all the extra features that has and have this new config box to fix your deeplinks or you hardcode the value like I suggested.
Buy the version here > https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/StrictlySoftware
or here > https://www.strictly-software.com/plugins/strictly-auto-tags
So I did this option just for you as I suspect many other people will have odd sute setups as well.
£40 and you get tons of extra features
The ability to remove basic formatting from the post. Ideal for auto-bloggers who import from feeds containing <B>, <I>, <FONT>, <SPAN> tags that could cause formatting issues on your site.
Better regular expressions, more checks and the ability to bulk re-tag and link with all key attributes (alt,title,src,href,data-blah) including shortcodes [youtube url] saved before re-formatting to keep the original HTML in tact.
New functions to find tricky words like al-Nusra Front, World War II or 1,000 Guineas.
Bulk update to remove all HTML the plugin adds.
Option to turn the plugin into Clean Edit Mode so you can edit individual articles to remove any HTML you don’t like.
New functions to turn text like https://www.strictly-software.com and https://www.strictly-software.com into clickable links e.g strictly-software.com.
Set a minimum length of characters for a tag to be used.
Set the maximum number of words allowed in a tag.
Set equivalent words for tags e.g search for Edward Snowden, NSA or PRISM and use the tag Internet Privacy.
Bold and deeplink common used tags to create great SEO for Googlebot and BING to crawl.
Set the minimum number of tags that must be stored against articles before they can be used in any deep linking.
Set the maximum number of tags in an article to deeplink.
Set the maximum number of tags to place against an article.
Create a list of case sensitive and case insensitive “noise” words to ignore and never use as tags.
Use the new finished_doing_tagging hook which is available for other plugin authors to use so that actions only occur after tagging is done on a post. For example my other plugin Strictly Tweetbot uses this hook so that tags are available to be used as #hashtags in tweets.
All content already inside special HTML tags <H1-6> title, src, href, alt and new data-blah or data-blah-blah attributes and WordPress shortcodes e.g [youtube url] are stored in memory to prevent bolding or deeplinking within other tags or attributes.
All shortcodes are removed before auto discovery so that attributes or words inside them are not accidentally matched as potential tag candidates.
Important closing HTML tags such as </H[1-6]>, </P>, </DIV> or <HR /> are replaced with a period so that words at the end of one closing tag is not joined with the starting word of another tag.
The ability to add rel=”nofollow” to any links that are made clickable e.g https://www.strictly-software.com.
Add rel=”nofollow” to any existing outbound links on the page which may have come from imported feed content.
A new list of “Top Tags” which if found in the article will be ranked much higher than any other tags. This allows you to ensure your sites main keywords are tagged, bolded and deeplinked, even if they are only found in the content a couple of times.
The option to remove all numerical characters before auto discovery so that if you don’t want complex words like 1,000 Guineas or 2,000,000 Million Pounds matched you can ignore the numbers.
Fix for the deletion of mass tags so that it doesn’t affect any categories with the same name.
Override the siteurl WordPress Database setting which is used in deeplinking tags. Ideal if you have a custom site folder structure and don’t want to change the siteurl value in the database.
Fix for certain checkbox options such as Skip Pre-Tagged Posts which were not being saved.
New help section with the test post for checking whether the plugin is working.
So check it out > https://www.strictly-software.com/plugins/strictly-auto-tags’