• Resolved timholz


    Hi – is decoding="async" the attribute that your plugin injects to the img tag? Inspecting the images, i notice that the native wordpress loading="lazy" is replaced. Testing with PageSpeed insights or webpagetest.org i also notice, that these tests somehow ignore the optimole lazy loading attribute, reporting:

    Images outside the critical viewport can be lazy-loaded.

    Can you please clarify?
    thanks – theo

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  • Plugin Support Vytis


    Hi @timholz,

    Thank you for using Optimole.

    Yes, the mentioned attribute decoding=”async” is part of the whole lazy-loading process. You can read more about it here – LINK

    If Optimole lazy-loads images, then the native browser’s lazy-loading with loading=”lazy” is not needed. It can be used if this setting is enabled though:
    https://vertis.d.pr/r8vRho (we recommend using Optimole’s lazy-loading and not the native one).

    If you see some images marked as not lazy-loaded there could be different reasons, maybe they are part of 3 first images on the page and you have the default setting to exclude the first 3 images from being lazy-loaded on every page: https://vertis.d.pr/reIDRD (you can try to set it to 0).

    If you still think there is an issue, please share the URL of your website where we can check it.


    Thread Starter timholz


    Hi @bvytis – thanks for your response, i will test your recommendation and then let you know whether testing apps like Page speed insights or webpagetest.org recognize the optimole lazy-loading.
    regards theo

    Thread Starter timholz


    Hi @bvytis sorry for the delay. Here is a test, with optimole lazy loading, not the native version. I also, according to your recommendation, set the number of ignored images to 0. But all the same the test on webpagetest.org shows that no lazy loading is happening.

    test result

    regards – theo

    p.s.: note the site in question is under construction and is password restricted.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by timholz.
    Thread Starter timholz


    I made another lighthouse-test with the settings you propose, and the report says:

    Defer offscreen images
    1.21 s
    Consider lazy-loading offscreen and hidden images after all critical resources have finished loading to lower time to interactive. Learn more.

    here is the page that i tested

    Lighthouse does not report this deferring proposal, when i turn on use native lazy load. Conclusion, webpage testing apps do not understand your concept of lazy-loading. Can you please clarify?
    Thanks – theo

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by timholz.
    Plugin Support Vytis


    Hi @timholz,

    Thank you for sharing more details.

    I see that the page in question is WooCommerce single product page. Optimole’s lazy-loading is not compatible with WooCommerce gallery on single product pages as previously we had issues with blurry images when we lazy-load gallery images so we decided to exclude WooCommerce single product images from being lazy-loaded. That is the reason you get notifications about these images not lazy-loaded.

    Thread Starter timholz


    @bvytis Ok. Then that’s settled. Thanks for your clarification.
    regards – theo

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