Declines and Subscriptions
Now this is not directly related to s2member as a plugin – but really important regarding deciding on your pricing (and payment gateways) – hence usage of s2member.
If you use only one time charges – you are most likely not affected. No matter which payment gateway I use – I don’t see many problems here. Maybe 1/100 cards declined with Stripe – and 1/1000 cards fraud with Paypal. 1/100 is not really a problem for me.
When it comes to subscriptions – you will get more declined cards the longer your renewal term is. And that is the really important bit!
DO NOT EXPECT to have renewal payments go through if the duration between each renewal is longer than 6 month! And I don’t mean customers canceling in the meantime. I mean payments failing out of various reasons.With yearly subscriptions – for Papyal I have around 20% of payments failing. Usually this is due to credit cards not up to date anymore (70% of the 20%), no more credit card associated to an paypal account or not enough money on the card (10% of the 20%) or other reasons (I guess they are actual declines – but you won’t get a clear message related to this from paypal. That still means however that 80% of all subscriptions not canceled yet go through! The only problem is that paypal sends out complete nonsense emails to customers in case the payment fails. They make it look like it’s the merchants (your) fault and don’t tell them that it was their card that did not work. Fair to be said – such customers usually got some emails the week before asking them to update the card.
With Stripe however – around 50-60% of all payments fail. Now as Stripe for example automatically updates credit cards that are prolonged (after expiry customer gets a new credit card again valid for some years with new number, this does not happen on paypal!) nearly all the failed payments are related to the bank declining the payment! I don’t know why Stripe fares so much worse here than Paypal – but assume most banks just trust Paypal more here – and are used to get little info for each payment from paypal. If a subscription payment after 1 year appears from Stripe however – at least European banks usually think it’s fraud and block it.
In so far – I don’t recommend to use Stripe for yearly subscriptions – and that could well mean you’re fine of just using s2member standard version as depending on your business model – you better just stay with Paypal. If your subscriptions renew every 1-3 months, any payment processor should be good enough.
(for everything else I really prefer Stripe over Paypal – but on yearly subscriptions there is no alternative for me. I was in contact with Stripe support over this topic – and they told me they cannot do anything about it. )
Anyone else got other experience? Are American banks maybe less problematic here? Most of my customers are from Europe.
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