Hello @amirdorna,
If the fields in the equation represent length and width, etc. you are not calculating time, you would be calculating a result corresponding to area or similar, but you need to indicate the how the measurement unit is converted to time.
I’ll try to describe the process with an example: Assuming that fieldname1 represent length, and fieldname2 width, and you need 5 minutes for painting 1 square meter, and finally you want to calculate the time required for painting the room, the equation might be similar to:
var area = fieldname1*fieldname2,
time = area*5,
hours = FLOOR(minutes/60),
minutes = minutes%60,
result = '';
if(hours < 10) result += '0'+''+hours;
else result += hours;
result += ':';
if(minutes < 10) result += '0'+minutes;
result+= minutes;
return result;
Now, you should follow the same logic in your project.
Best regards.