In this case, you could have simply informed us by email of your misunderstanding.
We do not force anyone to use our plugin. And installing or uninstalling it does not commit you to anything.
With this comment, you do not judge the specific features of our plugin but a mention in its name. We don’t even dare to imagine your comment if our plugin had a bug.
Regarding the mention “+ Woocommerce”, which is not the same thing as “A Woocommerce plugin”, we specify, as we have already been asked very often, that this plugin can be used with Woocommerce ( Whether it is the FREE or PRO version, it is the same plugin). Moreover, we do not hide the fact that, once on the “settings” page, the use of our plugin for the product pages requires an upgrade.
You attribute bad intentions to us and it is regrettable because this plugin, which required a large number of hours of development, is largely accessible free of charge for everyone. But that still doesn’t seem like enough!
We hope that when it comes to your business, your customers will be more flexible (and less binary) in reviewing your services.