Thank you for your review, please see our inline comments:
At the end, this “free” plugin feels like a nice looking marketing bait to make you purchase a highly priced bundle justified by few empty value add-ons, just to get what you would expect from a social network plugin.
We couldn’t disagree more here. Deceptive is not the word that should be used here. We’d be deceptive if we were hiding something or lying to you or other people about what PeepSo is and what it can do.
Let’s start with the fact that there are a lot of plugins in the WordPress ecosystem that come with MVP features and later they can be expanded with paid plugins. Nobody is forcing anyone to purchase anything either. PeepSo is open-source. If you’d like, you can find addons for it from other developers or have them created by yourself.
Even if you look at BuddyPress, it doesn’t have live notifications, doesn’t come with basic customization options like avatar shapes, color themes, performance settings, security settings and many more. No 2 plugins are the same.
Coming back to the paid addons, what we really don’t understand is the level of surprise here. We’re very open about that and features in PeepSo. The list of addons is in the description of the plugin here on WordPress plugins directory.
The integration with WP theme doesnt look very “integrated” and seems to be more oriented for their own theme, yet another purchase.
If you have a problem with any theme, you can contact us and our developers will help out. Which we also say in the plugins description here. With hundreds of thousands of themes out there it’s not easy to make PeepSo 100% compatible with all of them. Our own theme was released just recently and that’s thanks to our own community which not only asked us to do one, they nearly demanded us to get one done. The theme is built with PeepSo-first focus. With 3rd party themes we can only do so much, with our own we can take PeepSo and the entire site to the new level so that the community experience is seamless. Video was created to show how to get started from the first screen of a WordPress installation through installing PeepSo, its plugins, Gecko theme and the basic setup. You can see it here.
That seamless experience already can be achieved with themes like Divi, there’s even a video on how to get it setup within minutes. You can see the video here.
At the end I feel stuck between a not very usable plugin and a not refundable highly priced bundle.
PeepSo in its free form can be usable. It seems it’s not usable for you and you just don’t want to pay for the addons that would make it good for the setup you have in your mind. Plugins can be purchased separately or in the discounted bundle. We offer separate purchases because we understand that no one site is the same, not every site needs everything so there’s no need to pay for things you don’t want to use.
When it comes to refunds, we do offer refunds within 14 days from purchase and you can read the terms here.
Support has been genuine and answered my pre-sales questions in a constructive way.
Thank you. We’re very open about everything and take our time to answer any and all questions. We feel like that statement you just wrote and all of what we wrote above proves that we’re not being deceptive. We’re not hiding anything, we’re not giving you false information. Our support answered all of your questions within hours tops.