• I, as a WP Developer, [with WP_DEBUG true] activated the plugin and the first notice appeared:

    Notice: Constant PLUGINDIR already defined in …\wp-content\plugins\pricing-table\pricing-table.php on line 22

    I clicked on the “Pricing Table” post type collection, notice appeared:

    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in …\wp-content\plugins\pricing-table\pricing-table.php on line 154

    I clicked on the “Add New” sub menu, notice appeared:

    Notice: Undefined index: features in …\wp-content\plugins\pricing-table\modules\metabox.php on line 40


    Notice: Undefined index: features in …\wp-content\plugins\pricing-table\modules\metabox.php on line 42

    In new post addition page, in Packages/Features metabox:

    Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in …\wp-content\plugins\pricing-table\tpls\metabox-feature-options.php on line 94


    I din’t find any usage of the constant PLUGINDIR in your plugin, and I think it’s conflicting with any other built-in constant of WordPress.

    And as you are running a premium version of the plugin, you may need to concern about it. Thank you.


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