Yeah, it’s definitely not your plugin ??
I’ve run the following and this won’t connect either …
//LDAP server address
$server = "ldaps://";
//domain user to connect to LDAP
$user = "xxUK02919";
//user password
$psw = "xxx";
//FQDN path where search will be performed. OU - organizational unit / DC - domain component
$dn = "ou=people,dc=xxx,dc=com";
//Search query. CN - common name (CN=* will return all objects)
$search = "CN=*";
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "<h2>php LDAP query test</h2>";
// connecting to LDAP server
echo "ldap_connect triggered against ", $server;
$r=ldap_bind($ds, $user , $psw);
echo "ldap_bind triggered against user=", $user, " password=", $psw;
// performing search
$sr=ldap_search($ds, $dn, $search);
$data = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr);
echo "Found " . $data["count"] . " entries";
for ($i=0; $i<$data["count"]; $i++) {
echo "<h4><strong>Common Name: </strong>" . $data[$i]["cn"][0] . "</h4><br />";
echo "<strong>Distinguished Name: </strong>" . $data[$i]["dn"] . "<br />";
//checking if discription exists
if (isset($data[$i]["description"][0]))
echo "<strong>Desription: </strong>" . $data[$i]["description"][0] . "<br />";
echo "<strong>Description not set</strong><br />";
//checking if email exists
if (isset($data[$i]["mail"][0]))
echo "<strong>Email: </strong>" . $data[$i]["mail"][0] . "<br /><hr />";
echo "<strong>Email not set</strong><br /><hr />";
// close connection