• I am building a deal aggregator site in wordpress. Deal aggregator collects deals from deal sites and present them in one site. Each deal has:

    1) A short title
    2) A description
    3) A photo
    4) A category (Services / Beauty / Spa)
    5) A Price
    6) An expiration date
    7) An area (New York / Manhattan)
    8) Deal shop name
    8) URL of the deal link

    I need to display those deals in a portfolio-like page using the ability to users to filter by category, by area, price range (10$ – 100$) or view deals expiring today.
    There is no shopping cart, everytime you click the button “Buy” you direct to the deal shop URL link to buy it directly from the deal site.

    So, actually my website is just one front page, no inner pages.

    What you suggest me, to build this in a clean wordpress using custom fields? Or build the site on top of a plugin (ecommerce or something) ?

    Please give me advices.

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