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  • Plugin Author thaikolja


    Thanks for your input. I’ll have a look on this.

    Plugin Author thaikolja


    I’ve checked everything and over here everything works fine. Can you give me some examples where the secondary title is being displayed even though the post doesn’t belong to the categories set on the Secondary Title settings page?

    Plugin Author thaikolja


    Hi kimso,

    it’s been 3 months since you’ve posted your support message on here but I haven’t gotten any reply since. In order to solve bugs and other issues, I need someone that experiences the issue.

    So, my question now is: Is this issue still valid or has it been fixed so I can mark this thread as solved?

    Again, I’m willing to help as much as I can, but I do need a few more information of you for that.

    Thread Starter Kim Soler



    I’m sorry by the delay…

    I haven’t tested this because in the project I was working in finally only use categories that need the Secondary Title.

    I have tested it again and In post editor it always shows Secondary Title input….

    I’ve been thinking about it and I have a question…. If I configure Secondary Title to be deactivated for certain categories, the input in edit post (in this category) is disabled? Or it’s in post editor but it’s not shown in frontend?

    Plugin Author thaikolja


    Disabling the secondary title in for example category “Movies” will have the effect that when you edit a post that is in this category, the secondary title input field won’t be shown. On the front end the secondary title will also be hidden for posts that are in this category.

    Thread Starter Kim Soler


    Ok, I have tested it and I can say that it doesn’t work as you say (at least with my configuration).

    In this link there’s 5 screen shots that show the problem…

    I’ve created two categories, “Cat A” and “Cat B”, then in Secondary Title settings I assigned only “Cat A”.

    When I go to edit a post in “Cat B” the secondary title input field is shown…

    As I told, it doesn’t matter for the site where I used it, but it doesn’t work as you describe.

    Plugin Author thaikolja


    Thanks for sticking to this issue. I’ll have a look as soon as I’m free and solve it.

    Plugin Author thaikolja


    Okay, I’ll give you an example from installing a clean WordPress installation to selecting categories that are only allowed to show the secondary title.

    Some of these steps won’t be necessary for you. I’ll add them nonetheless so that you can follow the exact way I did it.

    1. Alright, the first thing I did was setting up a typical WordPress installation (screenshot).

    2. When the installation is done, I logged into the dashboard and deleted all posts, pages and whatever the standard WordPress installations includes to have a real clean installation (screenshot).

    3. Then I went to the menu point Tool > Export (screenshot).

    4. Upon clicking WordPress, a window will popup requiring you to download a plugin named WordPress Importer. Hit Install Now (screenshot).

    5. As soon as it has been installed, activate it and repeat the step. This time you’ll be directed to a page where there’s a button that allows you to select a file. The file we’re looking for is an XML file that turns your WordPress installation into a full demo website so that we don’t have to waste our time creating posts manually. You can download the file here. Save it as an XML file anywhere and select it in the “Open file” dialoag box (screenshot).

    6. Since the posts that come with the XML file are created by different users, WordPress Importer asks you whether it should create these user or if it should assign the posts to an existing user. To make things easier, select your existing admin account as seen in the screenshot. Important: Do not click the checkbox Download and import file attachments. This will not only take a lot longer but is also completely useless for our purpose. Then hit Submit (screenshot).

    7. Once you go back to the the Posts menu item, you’ll see a long list of posts with different names, categories, tags and so on. That shows us that the import was successful (screenshot).

    8. Next, install the Secondary Title plugin and actiavte it (screenshot).

    9. Now we only want the secondary title to be displayed in one specific category. To do that, we navigate to Settings > Secondary Title. It’ll show the default options with everything unchecked, meaning the secondary title will be shown everywhere (if the post has one, of course) (screenshot).

    10. Go to the section Categories and select for this example the category arrangements. The number behind it shows that there’s only one post in the category. Do not change any other options of the settings. Just hit Save Changes (screenshot).

    11. Now we’re going to enter two the secondary title: One in the post that is inside the arrangements category and one that isn’t. You can filter them out easily as seen on the screenshot (screenshot).

    12. Enter a secondary title, for example “This secondary title is supposed to be shown”. After that, click Update and go back to the post overview (screenshot).

    13. Now we use the filter to show us a post that is assigned to any other catgory. In this example, I use the category named Markup and set the secondary title to “This secondary title is NOT supposed to be shown”. Update and you’re done (screenshot).

    14. Activate the the WordPress default theme Twenty Fifteen if it isn’t activated yet and visit your actual site. On the left sidebar you’ll see a widget with the title CATEGORIES and below a list of all categories (screenshot).

    15. Remember, we wanted the secondary title ONLY to be shown in posts that are inside the category arrangements. So, click this category which will direct you to the archive page. If you set everything right, the secondary title is being displayed in front of the standard title (screenshot).

    16. Our last step. We want to make sure that categories that haven’t been set on the settings page aren’t showing the secondary title even thoug they have one. For this example, we set a secondary title to the latest post in the Markup category. So go back to the CATEGORIES widget and click Markup. Again, it’ll redirect you to the archive page. The first post is the post that contains a secondary title, and if you’ve set everydone according to this tutorial, it should not be displayed (screenshot).

    That’s it already. Excuse the long explanations but I like to tell things in details so that we can minimize any possible misunderstandings.

    If this still didn’t work for you, please contact me directly via my email address at kolja.nolte[at] and we’ll find a way to fix it.

    If it did solve your problem. I’d be happy if you honour my support by leaving a review and a good rating for my plugin. It’ll be much appreciated.

    Plugin Author thaikolja


    A feedback would be nice. Otherwise I mark this thread as solved.

    Thread Starter Kim Soler


    As you write on step 13, in any category not asigned, in the post editor is always shown Secondary Title input….

    This is what I told on my last post and what you can see in my screenshots.

    The second title is not shown on front site but it’s shown on backend post editor.

    You can mark this threat as solved if you want but I think that what you write above isn’t true:

    “Disabling the secondary title in for example category “Movies” will have the effect that when you edit a post that is in this category, the secondary title input field won’t be shown. On the front end the secondary title will also be hidden for posts that are in this category.”

    Plugin Author thaikolja


    I’m not marking anything as solved as long as it’s not solved for good.

    So you want the secondary title input be hidden on posts that aren’t in the activated categories?

    If that’s a yes, then we had a misunderstanding here. The hiding inside the post editor currently only works when disabling post types. Try it out, enable the post type “pages” and go go to the edit page of any post. You won’t see secondary title input there.

    And your goal is to have the same effect for categories, right? Makes sense. If I’m wrong again, please correct me.

    Thread Starter Kim Soler


    Hi thaikolja,

    You are right because as you say it was a misunderstanding. I wanted to hide field on posts that aren’t in the activated categories.

    I’ve tested it and it works as you say, it disable the input field for post in a post type if it’s deactivated on Secondary settings.


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