De-Dupe and Resolving Conflicts
Will the meeting guide (plug-in and/or app server) resolve conflicts and duplicates when a meeting appears in multiple data feeds?
I ask because our area and local districts are beginning to share feeds and I’m curious where this activity (dedupe’ing and conflict resolution) happens.
John B.
I was just commenting on this in another thread. The answer is, “I don’t know.” But here is a message that I just got from AAWS stating that meetings in the mobile app are “assigned to sites” – which is apparently different from “pulled from multiple site meeting lists.”
It appears that if I have a meeting listed on our site, and a more distant site also has it – this could keep it from appearing on the mobile app even if I am standing down the street from the office for my site. I will copy the entire message I just got from them below:
Hi Larry,
I fixed it on our end. The Akron Intergroup Council had the meetings and I reassigned these 3 to your office. They are now showing in the app. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Meeting Guide App Support
Communication Services
475 Riverside Drive, Flr 11
New York, NY 10115
[email protected]In general, deconfliction should occur with the Meeting Guide application architecture as long as the information entered by two different organizations is the same.
Are you both feeding directly to the Meeting Guide or are you bringing the data together one one site, then feeding the Meeting Guide? Assuming you are providing independent feeds, the plugin doesn’t have a role in deconfliction.
I’m going to go ahead and close this topic. If I misunderstood, we can reopen it.
Have a great Thanksgiving week!
I was curious about both those scenarios.
Yep, close it and thanks!
That’s also the way I understand how Meeting Guide works.
However, if you are feeding meetings from a WordPress site using the 12 Step Meeting List plugin into another WordPress site, then it does not filter out duplicates.
For example, the Area website in Area 24 keeps a list of meetings in the area. When I brought up a site for District 3 in Area 24, I had the webmaster delete all the meetings for my district from the Area site. Then he set up a “Data Source” to pull the District 3 meetings into his site through this feed. Then, when I make a change to a meeting, I email him, and he clicks the button to refresh the data source, which pulls in my changes.
Both the Area feed, and the District feed, are provided to the Meeting Guide app, and both feeds contain all the meetings from my district. Meeting Guide takes some meetings from the district site, and some from the area site. It doesn’t make a big difference which feed they take the information from, because both have the same information for these meetings.
One other thing to note, if the Area webmaster tries to edit a meeting from my district on the Area site, he will get a message on the top of the edit screen saying the information for that meeting is coming from a data source, and the next time he refreshes the feed, it will override his changes. Therefore, any changes to the meetings have to be initiated on the District site.
Okay! That’s very helpful too. Thanks @brianwarea24.
So, to confirm this use case: Suppose two intergroup sites pull a feed from the same district. Then the area pulls feeds from both intergroup sites.
That district’s meetings are de-conflicted at area because they’re identical (That’s my understanding of @ldigioia’s reply above). Is this correct?
Thanks in advance
Close… but not quite. @ldigioia is talking about about Meeting Guide, and yes, it should hand the duplicates. The meetings should only appear once in Meeting Guide.
However, area in this case, would have duplicates because it’s getting meetings from both intergroup sites. My assumption, of course, is area, district, and the 2 intergroup sites are all WordPress sites running this plugin.
It’s on my todo list to work on the the way feeds are handled in the plugin, to try to reduce the possibility of duplicate meetings. However, like most people, my “in my spare time” time is limited ??
Close… but not quite. @ldigioia is talking about about Meeting Guide, and yes, it should hand the duplicates. The meetings should only appear once in Meeting Guide.
However, area in this case, would have duplicates because it is getting meetings from both intergroup sites. My assumption, of course, is area, district, and the 2 intergroup sites are all WordPress sites running this plugin.
Just for the record, I don’t get a feed from anyone, my meetings are maintained only by me. I also do not feed anyone else, except the mobile app – which is what the plugin is for in the first place, as I understand it.
We need to keep in mind that what meeting guide shows to people on their phones is different, depending on where they are standing.
The scenario I used as an example, which was fixed by the appsupport guy in NY (or wherever he is) was that my web list showed the same three meetings, located about 10 miles from our office, as a distant site located about 45 miles away (outside the “60km limit.”) These meetings did not show up in the mobile app for us/in our area… until he registered them to me instead of them.
I would really like to know how decisions like that are made, but that’s another subject…
Got it. This will inform how our Area’s districts and intergroups structure/coordinate our feeds.
I’m tempted to contribute code to this project.
Thanks again @ldigioia, @tech2serve and @brianwarea24.
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If that doesn’t work, I can send an invite to your email address.
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