The queries line is from adding to my footer,
<!-- <?php echo get_num_queries(); ?> queries. <?php timer_stop(1); ?> seconds. -->
The other plugins I have activated are wp eMember and “Post Types Order”. Other than that I have a custom theme that’s it.
So I tried the fixes, manually creating
I got it working by creating an empty /wp-content/db-config.ini, copying /wp-content/plugins/db-cache-reloaded-fix/db.php to /wp-content/db.php and chmodding both to 777 (755 didn’t work on my host).
and then creating the “cache” directory under
Now the page reports less queries but the page load time reported in firebug is the same or higher.
<!-- Cached by DB Cache Reloaded Fix -->
<!-- 33 queries. 5.122 seconds. -->
Still no other output,
<!– Generated in 0.267 seconds. Made 41 queries to database and 19 cached queries. Memory used – 27.2MB –>
How do I get that working, or is the plugin working already? I can see files created under