• Resolved VesaT


    Just a moment ago I launched a backup of MySQL database only, but obviously had not saved the job properly, having no target directory for the generated backup.

    Everything seemed to go allright, but then suddenly I was thrown out of WP admin and after that could not access the site from my computer (IP address?) at all. The backup jot however sent a message since there is an error in the database dump job (=not target folder…).

    Have tried with a couple of computers, but they all are in the same IP domain and result in the same error message: you do not have access rights to /wordpress! !!!! I still can access the web server using cPanel or FileZilla (ftp), so the server is still up and running.

    A backup software should NEVER result in this kind of a mess due to a user error!!! I do not know whether my service provider can fix this… so anyone: tell me what to do know ??


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  • Hello,

    waht did the Provider say ?

    That is not a normel result! I have test it so often and don’t have problems like that.

    Thread Starter VesaT



    it turned out BackWPup somehow stalled (due to the error?) and had generated a .htaccess file that did not allow ANYONE to access that WordPress site, neither as admin nor as a site reader. I just deleted this .htaccess file and everything started working ok.

    Now the problem has been solved, but I’m still unsure why the plugin did not delete the .htaccess – leaving the site unusable for some time. Maybe you should have a look why a user error (=no target directory defined for the backup) ends up into this kind of a situation.

    The timed weekly full backup to Dropbox seems to work without any problems – and I’ve now tested that the installation can be both moved and recovered from those backups.


    this happens only if the log or Backup to folde fals configured.
    The folder schuld nod point to the blog root or wp-content folder.
    It must a subfolder of the. BAckWPup creates the .htaccess file to prevent acsses to these folders and that is why the file is not deletet.

    In a later Version in try to chech the fals configuration and prevent this problem.

    I ran into the same problem…
    How about you simply change the current note about the WP directory to read:
    Full Path to folder for Backup Files: (default: WP root dir/backups)
    Your WordPress dir is …… (don’t use WP root directory as backup folder)

    and make it default to a WP root dir/backups

    And thanks for a great plugin!

    I change the note so that Peaple nto simply copy and paste it.

    I was only a hint too find easyer the full path off wordpress installation.

    On the foder the folder for BAckups must appended.

    Did you push your changes to the latest “download” code? I hit the same problem… Maybe you can elaborate?

    Does the backup destination folder need to be outside web-root and the path to wordpress? This could cause problems for non-technical folks.

    jnm246t, you just copy the provided full path of the WP installation (which is usually the root folder of the web hosting account) and then add /backup to the end of it

    ie. /home/public_html/somewebsite/backup

    Yes i have changed it with the the last update.

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