Here are the changes. Hopefully this format makes sense.
includes > wcff-builder.php
line 1599 :::: this line was added
isset($_field[“disallow_next_x_days”]) && !empty($_field[“disallow_next_x_days”])
line 1613 :::: this line was added
if (isset($_field[“disallow_next_x_days”]) && !empty($_field[“disallow_next_x_days”]) && is_numeric($_field[“disallow_next_x_days”])) {
$disallowed_dates .= “+”. trim($_field[“disallow_next_x_days”]) .”d”;
line 1616 :::: edited to: (this line might unfortunately make the allow dates not work but this could be made into if/then)
echo “,minDate: 0+\””. trim($disallowed_dates) .”\””;
includes > meta > wcff-meta.php
line 1171 :::: this array was added: (adds Admin functionality in backend)
“header” => array(
“title” => __(‘Disallow X Days’, ‘wc-fields-factory’),
“target” => “#wcff-date-field-disallow-only-next-x-days”,
“css_class” => “”
“content” => array(
“container” => “wcff-date-field-disallow-only-next-x-days”,
“fields” => array(
“type” => “number”,
“param” => “disallow_next_x_days”,
“placeholder” => __(‘Disallow only next X days from the current date’, ‘wc-fields-factory’),
“min” => “1”,
“step” => “1”,
“at_startup” => “show”,
“translatable” => “no”