Hi Dick
You missed the [booking] part of the ContactForm 7 instruction.
Please read the description. Below I copied the most relevant part.
=Integration with ContactForm7.=
The integrations with ContactForm7 not only sends the email with the booking information but also stores it directly into the WP Availability Calendar & Booking database.
It also adds the name of the calendar item (accommodation) to bookings form. (screenshot 7)
This is achieved by adding the shortcode [booking] to the form part of the ContactForm7 settings (screenshot 8) and the shortcode [booking] into the message body (screenshot 9)
=There are three possible combinations of calendar and ContactForm7.=
1. multiple calendars on one page with on that page the bookings form.
This is the default and needs no further actions as the above mentioned insert of the [booking] shortcodes.
2. one calendar with a for that calendar specific bookings form on the same page. So you need for each page a separate contactform.
In this case replace the [booking] in the form part of the contactform settings with [booking room_name]
3. There are multiple calendar pages (one for each room) with a generic bookings form page. In this case there is only one contactform needed as in situation 2 there is a contactform for each calendar page.
-The permalinks settings must be Post name.
-Set the – Title of page with booking form -field in the settings (screenshot 6) to the name of the page with the generic bookings form.
-Insert into the page with the calendar a link to the page with the generic form, add to the link part the name of the room. e.g. Click here to book
In this example -contact- is the title of the page with the form and -voorkamer- the name of the room.