WPEngine, editor of ACF plugin wrote me this :
“Hi there,
Thanks for the follow up.
Since the Date Picker works if you disable “Frontend Admin” plugin, then the issue is emanating from the “Frontend Admin” plugin and not ACF.
Please also note that the rendering of the Date Picker field on the frontend in your case is controlled by the “Frontend Admin” plugin functions rather than ACF functions.
I’ve also checked the “Frontend Admin” plugin details page and the plugin has not been tested with the current version of WordPress.
That said, kindly note that our support is limited in scope to issues arising from the ACF plugin rather than third-party issues. The issue here is emanating from the “Frontend Admin” plugin therefore I’d request you reach out to the plugin developer so they can look into their source code and fix the code conflict.
Hope this info clarifies.
So i would like to know if you can help me.
Because your plugin breaks 2 other one : Armember and wpdatatable datepicker