Somehow I’m not getting working. Below I posted my code (includes a completely different styling as you’ll see), including the the_date that used to work. Maybe you can see what I’m doing wrong? I understand that this is out of scope of your (great) plugin, but I’d be very thankfull if you’d know a solution.
// don’t mess with this php code
foreach($myarray as $items) {
if ($pag!==1){
$total = $total +1;
if ($maxperPage>0 && $total>=$maxperPage) break;
$idnum=$idnum +1;
// END don’t mess with this php code
$openWindow=rssmi_lightbox_filter($items[“mylink”],$targetWindow); //Lightbox filter
// show date (group similar posts)
$readable .= the_date(‘l j F’, ‘<p style=”text-align:right;margin-bottom:1px!important;margin-top:5px;border-bottom-style:dotted;border-width:1px;padding-bottom:1px;”>’, ”, false);
// make post container and show post title
$readable .= ‘ <div id=”post-‘ .$idnum.'” style=”margin-bottom:0px!important”>
<p style=”margin:0px”>’ .date_i18n($strDate,$items[“mystrdate”]). ‘ | ‘ .$items[“mytitle”]. ‘</p>’;
// make excerpt container and hide if “show more” option is checked
if (!empty($items[“mydesc”]) && $showDesc==1){
if ($showmore==1 && $showDesc==1){
$readable .= ‘ <div id=”‘.$idnum.'” class=”post-content” style=”display:none;border-bottom:1px solid #e7e6e6;border-top:1px solid #e7e6e6;padding:2px;”>’;
$readable .= ‘ <div id=”‘.$idnum.'” class=”post-content” style=”border-bottom:1px solid #e7e6e6;border-top:1px solid #e7e6e6;padding:2px;”>’;
// excerpt code
$readable .= showexcerpt($items[“mydesc”],$descNum,$openWindow,$stripAll,$items[“mylink”],$adjustImageSize,$float,$noFollow,$items[“myimage”],$items[“mycatid”],$stripSome,$useMediaImage);
$readable .= ‘<p style=”text-align:right;font-size:12px;”>’.$attribution.’ ‘.$items[“myGroup”].’</p>’;
// close excerpt container
$readable .= ‘</div>’;
// close post container
$readable .= ‘</div>’;
} // don’t mess with this php code
$readable .= ‘</div>’;
Where it says: // show date (group similar posts), is where the the problem occors. I only get to see the date of the last post (it is not groupign and re-showing).
Thanks in advance,