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  • First thing to check is that in the Admin area go to Settings and then General. check that the dates and site language are all set correctly.

    PMPro does support French (France): fr_FR

    Also try changing your permalinks and then saving then back to what you have initially.. and saving again

    So let us know if your settings are all correct first

    Thread Starter dkgalsen


    Hi Pete,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I have already set my site language to french and my whole admin site is in french and all other plugins I am using are translated in french.
    Pmpro is translated in french except the date in the members list table under the column named “Joined”.

    i am not sure how the language translations are sorted.
    Maybe the months are in fact in english.

    Will see what I can find out or might have to wait for Jason to pop in

    Thread Starter dkgalsen


    Okay thanks for your time.

    Thread Starter dkgalsen


    I made some research on date display in php and I found the following.
    “To format dates in other languages, you should use the setlocale() and strftime() functions instead of date().”
    I am using pmp-pro membership card addon and I have the same issues with the date displaying in english. I check the template file and it is using the date() function. I have been changing the code using strftime() or setlocale() but I have not figured it out yet.
    Any help will be much appreciated.

    Plugin Author Jason Coleman


    I think the correct WP function to use would be date_l18n()

    I’ll see if we can replace some or all of our date() calls with that. Try it in the spot you want to fix as a temporary work around.

    Thread Starter dkgalsen


    Thanks Jason for the information. I will try the temporary fix for now until you guys get a chance to replace the date() function.

    Hi Jason,
    I tried to replace date() in shortcodes/pmpro_account.php but am getting an error:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function date_l18n()
    Any ideas?

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