Hi Tobias, i’m so greatfull for your plugin. If it is okay I did some changes in it and try to use it that way. I added check boxes in list and a little form to send selected ones from list.
System is working with one list very well, but i have problem when is involved second list. When i create a second (…and more) list and put them in a new page, system is not working. When i click to check box it is not being showed in form and numbers (it is calculating numbers from specific columns) are not being calculated. I will try to explain you with pictures, sorry for my English again.
Check boxes, form and the calculation system are working with multi lists in “other themes”, but in “one page theme” are not working. I want to use this theme specificaly. For almost 2 months i’m trying to do this, if you can help me i will be so greatfull to you.
You can check it from here:
here is working correctly:
Here is not: