I activated debug plugin so i have other informations.
I’m trying to modify field data_di_nascita
After activating plugin I wrote
23 aprile 1985
and in log file i read
UPDATE wp_participants_database SET date_updated
= NOW(),……, email
= ”, data_di_nascita
= ‘483044400’, luogo_di_nascita
= ‘LoretoXXXXX___(AN)’,…..
but in Unix Time 483044400 = 22 aprile 1985 and not 23 aprile 1985
Then I tried again and i wrote
25 maggio 1985
and in log file i read
UPDATE wp_participants_database SET date_updated
= NOW(),……., email
= ”, luogo_di_nascita
= ‘LoretoXXXXX___(AN)’,…….
but in UPDATE query my field data_di_nascita
is missing!
I suppose that there is some problem when plugin generates update string.
Here is the complete log
Log file initiated at: 22 January 2019 14:32 UTC
[01/22/19 2:32pm UTC]
list query: SELECT * FROM wp_participants_database p ORDER BY p.last_name asc
[01/22/19 2:33pm UTC]
Participants_Db::process_form storing record: UPDATE wp_participants_database SET date_updated
= NOW(), last_name
= ‘Acquaroli’, first_name
= ‘Miriam’, address
= ‘Via Buonarroti, 12’, city
= ‘Montecosaro(MC)’, zip
= ‘62010’, phone
= ”, phone2
= ”, email
= ”, data_di_nascita
= ‘483044400’, luogo_di_nascita
= ‘LoretoXXXXX___(AN)’, state
= ”, country
= ”, mailing_list
= ‘Yes’, dummy
= ”, guida_tessera
= ‘Giovanni’, anno_validita
= ‘2019’, dafare_tessera
= ‘no’, note
= ‘Si’, note2
= ”, approved
= ‘no’, photo
= ”, website
= ”, interests
= ” WHERE id = 768
[01/22/19 2:33pm UTC]
list query: SELECT * FROM wp_participants_database p ORDER BY p.last_name asc
[01/22/19 2:35pm UTC]
list query: SELECT * FROM wp_participants_database p ORDER BY p.last_name asc
[01/22/19 2:35pm UTC]
Participants_Db::process_form storing record: UPDATE wp_participants_database SET date_updated
= NOW(), last_name
= ‘Acquaroli’, first_name
= ‘Miriam’, address
= ‘Via Buonarroti, 12’, city
= ‘Montecosaro(MC)’, zip
= ‘62010’, phone
= ”, phone2
= ”, email
= ”, luogo_di_nascita
= ‘LoretoXXXXX___(AN)’, state
= ”, country
= ”, mailing_list
= ‘Yes’, dummy
= ”, guida_tessera
= ‘Giovanni’, anno_validita
= ‘2019’, dafare_tessera
= ‘no’, note
= ‘Si’, note2
= ”, approved
= ‘no’, photo
= ”, website
= ”, interests
= ” WHERE id = 768