• Since the newest version of WordPress came out, the date picker function on the forms no longer works properly in all of the browsers out there.

    I have a site that uses this form and it works fine in Google Chrome & Opera (and also standard android browser) but it doesn’t work in Safari, Mozilla or IE (and I guess that also means that it doesn’t work on iPhones either)

    Is there going ot be an update released to fix this?


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  • For Mozilla Firfox I use this:

    /* Fix Date Picker in Contact 7 Forms … will not shown without this fix: */
    add_filter( ‘wpcf7_support_html5_fallback’, ‘__return_true’ );

    Have a look at the manuals, it is there. You have to put it into your child theme’s function.php.

    Hi, same here,
    i added the line in functions.php child’s theme but nothing changed except the loading of the jquery at the bottom of the source code

    From what I understand – but honestly I’m not sure – and had searched for you might find out, that you are using multible versions of jquery.

    I don’t know the details, but I had an issue using the WP plugin ‘Jquery Validation For Contact Form 7’ running the current WP version using the theme evolve+. I had to disable the plugin to be able to use the datepicker again in ‘Contact Form 7’ forms. This for sure, I tested it several times.

    May be someone can explain better …?


    I have exactly the same issue on several of my websites. I use a text field instead for the date, with a placeholder looking like this jj/mm/aaaa (French standard).

    However, I would love to get a fix or an update to get the date-picker to work on multiple browsers.

    Thank you for your advice

    i created a contact form, using contact form 7, but I’m having the same problem… The date picker works fine on Chrome, but not on safari.

    did anybody workout what the problem was?

    Thank You



    I am having the same issue. Adding the code previously suggested returns a fault: /* Fix Date Picker in Contact 7 Forms … will not shown without this fix: */
    add_filter( ‘wpcf7_support_html5_fallback’, ‘__return_true’ );

    The date picker does not work in Safari, not sure about Mozilla. This is a great shame. It looks as though I will have to use a different form plugin.



    “Adding the code previously suggested returns a fault:…”

    This is not helpfull at all. This is not about telling fortunes … ??
    Where did you put the code and what in detail is the fault?

    Did you try to test it against a fresh install to avoid complications with other plugins?
    If it shows the same error in a fresh install using the current versions you should consider creating a ticket to help the author by senidng him concret informations.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by kraeMit.
    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by kraeMit.

    add_filter( ‘wpcf7_support_html5_fallback’, ‘__return_true’ );
    solved my problem.. Thanks

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