• Hi,

    When someone makes a comment on my blog, the date is not correct… The dates are being displayed as Jan 10th, even though today is the 12th.

    I looked in the WP admin settings and the date shows up correctly there…

    Any idea what could be causing this?

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  • Thread Starter simoncarr


    anyone have an idea?

    Thread Starter simoncarr


    I see what is happening, but not sure how to fix it…

    It looks like the date on the comments is inheriting the date from the blog post. Very odd… Is there a different method for displaying the date within the comments?

    It’s probably a problem with the plugin that allows commenting… Unless you know Php I doubt you could change it.

    Thread Starter simoncarr


    I figured it out.

    There was a custom comments template setup in functions.php

    It was using <?php the_time( ‘l j, Y’ ) ?> instead of <?php comment_date( ‘l j, Y’ ) ?>

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