Hey Leon (got your email, too.) I am looking into it to see what’s up. It’s a little difficult because it’s being developed locally.
Try opening the css file at /wp-content/plugins/wp-old-post-date-remover/css/OPDRstyle.css in a text editor, and add an additional selector of .meta_date to the beginning of the file. So, the file would read like this:
/* This file works the date remover magic
* Edits here will be overwritten by plugin updates. So edit freely, and backup often.
* Old Post Date Remover is a plugin by Ben Meredith at https://benandjacq.com
.meta_date, time, p.post-meta.date-extra, .meta time, time.post_date.date.updated, i.icon-calendar.mi, .cb-date.cb-byline-element, h6.edate, li.enigma_post_date, .entry-date, post-date, span.post-date, span.date, .entry-time, span.post_date, span.post_date_intro, span.posted-on, span.meta-date {
display:none !important;
If that works, let me know and I’ll add it to the official file and release a patch.