Nevermind, Found the code.
If you open the mdocs-file-info-small.php in my case since I am using the “small” theme of Memphis docs, you will find a line that says:
$last_modified = gmdate(‘d-m-y H:i’,$the_mdoc[‘modified’]+MDOCS_TIME_OFFSET);
It’s the 9th line of code or so.
If you chante that to
$last_modified = gmdate(‘m-d-y h:ia‘,$the_mdoc[‘modified’]+MDOCS_TIME_OFFSET);
it will change the format to Month, Day and Year and ALSO made the change to not display military time and ALSO to add am/pm at the end.
My guess is this will be overwritten if an update installs but hopefully the next update will include the option to make this a change from the settings page.