It is not by all events, but some when I go in backend to edit it changes the date in backend. First I did not see that, because I only changed somthing in the text and saved with wrong date. So on frontend is than the wrong date. I can change it back, to have the right date, but it is anoing and dangores.
As exemple I have a event its from march 1th to jun 30th and it shows in frontend in calendar the right date. I want to change something in the text and go to edit. I open the edit mode and it shows me the date march 1th to jun 3th. For some reason it seams to be allways 3 days more.
All plugins and wordpress are updatet.
when I hit strg shift j I can see this error, I have no idea what it means:
Uncaught Error: bad conv util ctor args
at new Wc (abg_lite.js:1)
at Yc (abg_lite.js:1)
at new Xc (abg_lite.js:1)
at new fd (abg_lite.js:1)
at gd (abg_lite.js:1)
at new ed (abg_lite.js:1)
at md (abg_lite.js:1)
at ads?client=ca-pub-Uncaught Error: bad conv util ctor args
at new Wc (abg_lite.js:1)
at Yc (abg_lite.js:1)
at new Xc (abg_lite.js:1)
at new fd (abg_lite.js:1)
at gd (abg_lite.js:1)
at new ed (abg_lite.js:1)
at md (abg_lite.js:1)
at ads?client=ca-pub-