Hello, after so much time I finally implemented a fix for this problem [1].
With the next public release you will be able to configure which timezone will be used to print the date and time. This option will be available in the plugin’ general settings page and will only affect the pages and mails associated with the plugin, the rest of the dashboard will keep using the timezone configured in the global settings page.
You may ask, why implement a different option rather than use the one that WordPress already provides? Well, that is how the current version of the code works, and there is people who are still reporting errors in the date and time of the audit logs and email alerts. I could not reproduce these errors and I didn’t want to delay this fix anymore, that’s why I decided to create a new option.
If you want to test this option now, you can download the development version of the code from here [2] or wait until the public release of version 1.8.8 which will include, not only this, but a significant list of improvements.
[1] https://github.com/cixtor/sucuri-wordpress-plugin/commit/d7758c5
[2] https://github.com/cixtor/sucuri-wordpress-plugin