Date added is incorrectly updated for WC Subscriptions
We are using WooCommerce Subscriptions. Each month when the subscriptions renew, the CRM contact’s Added date changes to the most recent payment date. So a customer who subscribed 7/15/2022 will look like he was added to the CRM on 8/15/2022 when recurring billing hits.
How can I preserve the correct Added date for the contacts?
Hello @kercommunications,
I’m sorry to hear about the trouble, but thanks for reaching out.
I’ve asked our developers about that, as this isn’t something I can replicate easily on my end.
To facilitate their debug of the issue, could you answer the following questions for me?
– Current Jetpack CRM and WooCommerce Subscriptions versions.
– Temporarily deactivate all plugins except Jetpack CRM and WC Subscriptions to see if there’s a plugin conflict. If the issue is resolved with all other plugins deactivated, you can reactivate plugins one by one to discover which plugin is causing the problem. If you have trouble doing it on your production site, you can get a staging site and run these tests over there.
– Check the PHP error logs and WooSync logs on your web host server for any relevant errors. If you’re unsure how to check those logs, your web host can help you with that.
– Check for JavaScript errors. If you’re not sure how to do that, you can follow this guide: you have any sensitive data that can’t be shared publicly on this forum, we’ll escalate this to a ticket.
Look forward to your reply, and thanks for sorting this out with us!
Hey @kercommunications,
Just one more thing: can you check for me whether normal orders care hanging the contact add time as well?
We don’t sync anything specific to WC Subscriptions; that’s why I am asking.
Thanks in advance for your input!
Jetpack CRM version 5.2.0
WC 6.9.3
WC Subscriptions 4.5.1Disabling plugins did not change the behavior.
No relevant errors in logs.
No JS errors.For non-subscription orders the Added date is correct. It is the date of purchase which is also the date the contact is added.
For subscription products, the initial purchase sets the Added date like a non-subscription product. The problem is that when a recurring payment on a subscription happens, the Contact’s Added date is changed to the date of the most recent payment. That is incorrect since it is not a new contact, but an additional transaction for an existing contact.
Thank you for these details. We’ve forwarded your information to our development team, and we’ll reach out when we know more. Thanks!
Hey @kercommunications,
Just a quick follow-up to let you know that we have escalated your issue to our tech team, as Jay mentioned, and they’ll be working on this.
Currently, we don’t have any ETA set for a fix, but we’ll let you know if we have something new to share.
Let me know if there’s anything else we can do to help meanwhile!
I see that the plugin has been updated in the past day. Is this fix included in the update? If not, can this be made a high priority?
It is a big problem that we can not sort contacts by the true date added. It seems that displaying the correct date a customer is added is an essential function of a CRM.Unfortunately, the fix for the issue you reported didn’t make it to v.5.3 release. This issue is on our agenda, however, and we hope to include it in the next release! And of course, we’ll reach out when that happens ??
Just a quick follow-up about the status of the bug.
Our developers planned to include the fix in the next release (v5.4), however, we’re still not sure about that, so I can’t give you a confirmed ETA for the issue to get fixed.
I know it’s not the best news to receive, but we want to be transparent and keep you updated.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask ??
@erania-pinnera please provide an update on this fix request from 4 months ago:
“We are using WooCommerce Subscriptions. Each month when the subscriptions renew, the JetPack CRM contact’s “Added date” field changes to the most recent payment date. So a customer who subscribed 7/15/2022 will look like he was added to the CRM on 8/15/2022 when recurring billing hits in August. As of January 2023, the “”Added date” field says 1/15/23 thus making the concept of the “”Added date” useless. How can I preserve the first Added date for the contacts, that is not overwritten with each transaction?
Hi @influencehaus! Thanks for asking!
I have asked for an update from our developers and they are working on getting the fix to be included in the next version release. ??
Hi @kercommunications and @influencehaus,
I’m happy to let you know that the fix has been released in the latest version of Jetpack CRM, v.5.5.2.
If you haven’t already done so, I recommend updating your CRM to the latest version. Let us know if you still run into issues!
thanks we installed the update. We want to do a bulk replacement of the dates in the “Added” field/column since they are all wrong up to this point. We tried to use JP CRM’s importer tool, but the built-in Added date field cannot be updated with JP CRM’s importer. Apparently, the “Added” column comes from somewhere other than the CRM’s contact list – still uses the most recent transaction I guess?
When importing, there is a “Date Created” field which I tried to map our “Paid First” field (placeholder correct date added field until you fixed “Added”) to, but it didn’t seem to do anything that I can see. How can we bulk update the data in the added filed for 3,000 contacts? We know SQL if that is an option. Or can you do it.Hi there, @influencehaus,
Thanks for the follow-up on this. We did some tests, and the
date added
feature you’d like to get exists on the CSV Importer Pro extension. Even in the extension, however, there is a limit for this field, as it only works for new contacts; it doesn’t update old ones (that’s by design).If you’re comfortable working with your database, the best solution for your query would be to perform a SQL query to update the?
?field for contact in the database.Meanwhile, we can ask our developers to take a look at this specific feature request to see if we can implement it if this is something that could be useful for you.
please have your developers implement this specific feature request. Since ALL JP users have been negatively impacted by their Added dates being wrong its likely most JP users will need to bulk update/fix the Added date in their system so better to solve NOW than answer many other support tickets.
Hi @influencehaus,
We submitted a feature request for this, and I have forwarded your feedback to our team in our internal issue tracker. We have a lot of moving parts to address this issue, so we currently do not have an ETA for this. That said, it is on our team’s agenda, and we’ll reach out when we have updates.
In the meantime, the quickest solution for you would be to perform the SQL query, as long as you are comfortable with doing it.
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