• Plugin Author Meitar


    Inline Google Spreadsheet Viewer is a free software plugin that, itself, uses a number of other free software tools or services to provide the rich functionality that it offers. As the plugin description states, one of these is DataTables:

    By default, all tables are progressively enhanced with jQuery DataTables to provide sorting, searching, and pagination functions on the table display itself.

    This means that if you have a question about “how to do something in DataTables,” you should go to DataTables’s own community support forum to post it. You should not post questions about how to use DataTables in this forum.

    Here are a few examples of questions that make sense to post in this forum and others that make sense to post to the DataTables community forums. (Note that most of these questions have already been asked and answered, so if you spend just a little bit of time searching the forum archives, you’re likely to find the answer you’re looking for without having to wait for a response. Also, be sure to read the FAQ!)

    Examples of some questions that make sense to post here:

    • Why is there an error on my page when I use the gdoc shortcode?
    • Why is the result of a query that I’m using different when I use this plugin versus when I make the query directly to Google?
    • Will you be adding support for [insert your favorite feature request here], and if so, is there something I can do to help?
    • I can’t figure out how to use the plugin’s shortcode to do [insert thing I want to do here], can you help?

    Examples of some questions that you should probably ask elsewhere:

    • How do I write a custom filtering function for my columns?
    • How do I use [some option] in the DataTables default object?
    • I want to customize the information in my table, can I do this with JavaScript?

    These last three are all questions about how to use DataTables. If you’re not sure whether your question is DataTables-specific or relates to this plugin (it can be hard to know sometimes!) you can still post here, of course, just don’t take it personally if you end up being referred to another, different forum to find answers. ??

    This plugin was written and is maintained by one person (me). Although I try to answer every question I can, I do not often have the time to provide detailed examples or explanations to all questions, and so I choose to strictly limit the topics I’ll engage with to plugin-specific questions only. If you cannot clearly articulate your question, you are better off posting somewhere else. I do not have the time or money I would need to engage in a back-and-forth conversation with you; think about how to explain your problem before you post it.

    There are plenty of other free resources where you can get help about different technologies this plugin uses, such as the DataTables support forum and the Google Product Forums. Please use those when you can. Thanks for understanding!

    Plugin Author

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  • Hi,

    I am looking to use Google doc data tables and the plugin you wrote to display pricing tables whereby the user can select a single cell of the table to choose their preference and I would then take this value and calculate a price in a booking form.

    Could you tell me if this could be achieved with the functionality of the plugin you wrote?

    From what I can see the editor library would be better suited to handle this, such as what is available at the link below but I’m not sure if I can implement this.

    Sorry if this is inappropriate to ask but any guidance would be really appreciated.

    Many thanks

    There are errors in the Brazilian Portuguese jason file, as follows:

      – the first line, with informations about the decimal character, is not present in the translated version
      – the line with informations about the thousands character was changed: now there is a strange “info” string placed before the word “Thousands”

    I discovered the problem when I tried to order numbers in a Brazilian Portuguese table.
    The good news is that I fixed the Brazilian Portuguese jason file and tested it (now it works perfectly). The corrected text is:

        "sDecimal":        ",",
        "sEmptyTable": "Nenhum registro encontrado",
        "sInfo": "Mostrando de _START_ até _END_ de _TOTAL_ registros",
        "sInfoEmpty": "Mostrando 0 até 0 de 0 registros",
        "sInfoFiltered": "(Filtrados de _MAX_ registros)",
        "sInfoPostFix": "",
        "sThousands":      ".",
        "sLengthMenu": "_MENU_ resultados por página",
        "sLoadingRecords": "Carregando...",
        "sProcessing": "Processando...",
        "sSearch": "Pesquisar",
        "sZeroRecords": "Nenhum registro encontrado",
        "oPaginate": {
            "sNext": "Próximo",
            "sPrevious": "Anterior",
            "sFirst": "Primeiro",
            "sLast": "último"
        "oAria": {
            "sSortAscending": ": Ordenar colunas de forma ascendente",
            "sSortDescending": ": Ordenar colunas de forma descendente"

    By the way: it seems that exist errors in other translated files. I think you should check that. Probably nearly all translated files are wrong. And the reason is as follows.

    The “complete” Datatables jason file, with decimal and thousands information, which I used to correct the Brazilian Portuguese file is the one placed here:
    But it seems that people in Datatables are giving to the translators incomplete versions of this file to be translated, which will not work when ordering numbers. Example:

    Where are the decimal and thousands informations in the text above?

    So, consider using the first link text as the one to be translated in your plugin. And do not use the translated texts provided by Datatables site.


    Plugin Author Meitar


    Thanks for the info on translation errors, aldemarcalazans, but I would suggest you try to get the DataTables folks to fix their translation files. I do not maintain these translations myself, I just include a copy sourced from the upstream repository when deploying this plugin. As a result, to fix the translations in future versions of this plugin, the fixes need to be shared with the DataTables team and they need to update their posted files, too.

    I already did that, but they did corrected the translated file yet.
    And, frankly, I did not expect that they are going to fix it in a short period of time.
    So, it would be a good idea if you keep a copy of the correct english file in your plugin pack, with instructions to translators, until the situation with all translated files in DataTables is resolved.
    As I told you, probably most (if not all) translated files have this problem.

    Plugin Author Meitar


    A good idea for you maybe but not for me. I do not have the time or other resources needed to justify that work. The correct solution is to upstream the translations. I will not maintain them separately.

    Allright. So, lets hope for the fixes of DataTables folks.

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