• freedumbo


    in your new plugin version..
    where is the data is stored??
    what i have used version is save data in wp_yasr_votes..
    but where is the data??
    I can’t see.

    and when i delete you plugin and table and reinstall your plugin..
    i can see yasr’s old data is displayed..why?
    but if i rewrite votes,new data is saved and last data is erased..

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  • Thread Starter freedumbo


    i understand first question…wp_log_votes..
    why you combine it??
    I want to know..and i’ll update it..

    second question…
    I can’t solve it..

    Plugin Contributor dudo


    Hello freedumbo!

    Like you guessed, wp_yasr_votes doesn’t exists anymore (from version 1.3.6). If you’re using a version > 1.3.6 that data are just ignored and you can delete it.

    Visitor data are stored on wp_log_votes.
    So…why, even if you deleted the data, you still see the old votes?
    Because Yasr use a built-in cache system! (based on the transient api) That’s why, if you vote on a set, first you see the old data, then, you see the new data and the old is eresed! Because evrytime a vote is added, the cache get updated!

    If you want to delete your cache, open table wp_options and search for a string like “_transient_yasr_visitor_votes” in the option name field.
    Once you delete it (along with the table _wp_log_votes) everything will be erased ??

    Thread Starter freedumbo


    oh..you’re right.
    i delete cacahe.. haha thank you..
    for ($x = 0; $x <= 100000; $x++) {
    $wpdb->delete( ‘wp_options’, array( ‘option_name’ => ‘_transient_yasr_visitor_votes_$x’ ) );

    sometimes..i find screen display “security check” in my web..and find this source in your file.
    if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce_visitor, ‘yasr_nonce_insert_visitor_rating’ ) ) {
    die( ‘Security check’ );

    what does this work?? may i delete this??

    Plugin Contributor dudo


    No…that is to check if nonce is correct and unexpired .

    Unfortunatelly, some caching plugin, use to cache nonce too ans sometimes you get the “security check” .
    I suggest to disable caching plugin if you’re using one.

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