database table sam_errors is running full – plugin simple-ad-manager
My Database Table has actually a Size of 31 GB !!!
There are 9,811,208 Entrys !
I recognized that a little bit late – Hope not to late.What is stored in this Table?
Are they only Error Messages?
Can I easily delete all entrys?In the Database Cells are Select Statements like this:
SELECT,, gz_sam_places.description, gz_sam_places.code_before, gz_sam_places.code_after, gz_sam_places.place_size, gz_sam_places.place_custom_width, gz_sam_places.place_custom_height, gz_sam_places.patch_img, gz_sam_places.patch_link, gz_sam_places.patch_code, gz_sam_places.patch_adserver, gz_sam_places.patch_dfp, gz_sam_places.patch_source, gz_sam_places.trash, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM gz_sam_ads WHERE = AND gz_sam_ads.trash IS FALSE) AS ad_count, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM gz_sam_ads WHERE = AND gz_sam_ads.trash IS FALSE AND (IF(gz_sam_ads.ad_users = 0, TRUE, (gz_sam_ads.ad_users_unreg = 1))) AND ((gz_sam_ads.view_type = 1) OR (gz_sam_ads.view_type = 0 AND (gz_sam_ads.view_pages+0 & 11)) OR (gz_sam_ads.view_type = 2 AND FIND_IN_SET(9165, gz_sam_ads.view_id))) AND (gz_sam_ads.ad_cats = 0) AND (gz_sam_ads.ad_authors = 0) AND IF(gz_sam_ads.x_id, NOT FIND_IN_SET(9165, gz_sam_ads.x_view_id), TRUE) AND IF(gz_sam_ads.ad_schedule, CURDATE() BETWEEN gz_sam_ads.ad_start_date AND gz_sam_ads.ad_end_date, TRUE) AND IF(gz_sam_ads.limit_hits, gz_sam_ads.hits_limit > gz_sam_ads.ad_hits, TRUE) AND IF(gz_sam_ads.limit_clicks, gz_sam_ads.clicks_limit > gz_sam_ads.ad_clicks, TRUE) AND (gz_sam_ads.ad_weight > 0)) AS ad_logic_count, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM gz_sam_ads WHERE = AND gz_sam_ads.trash IS FALSE AND (IF(gz_sam_ads.ad_users = 0, TRUE, (gz_sam_ads.ad_users_unreg = 1))) AND ((gz_sam_ads.view_type = 1) OR (gz_sam_ads.view_type = 0 AND (gz_sam_ads.view_pages+0 & 11)) OR (gz_sam_ads.view_type = 2 AND FIND_IN_SET(9165, gz_sam_ads.view_id))) AND (gz_sam_ads.ad_cats = 0) AND (gz_sam_ads.ad_authors = 0) AND IF(gz_sam_ads.x_id, NOT FIND_IN_SET(9165, gz_sam_ads.x_view_id), TRUE) AND IF(gz_sam_ads.ad_schedule, CURDATE() BETWEEN gz_sam_ads.ad_start_date AND gz_sam_ads.ad_end_date, TRUE) AND IF(gz_sam_ads.limit_hits, gz_sam_ads.hits_limit > gz_sam_ads.ad_hits, TRUE) AND IF(gz_sam_ads.limit_clicks, gz_sam_ads.clicks_limit > gz_sam_ads.ad_clicks, TRUE) AND IF(gz_sam_ads.ad_weight > 0, (gz_sam_ads.ad_weight_hits*10/(gz_sam_ads.ad_weight*1000)) < 1, FALSE)) AS ad_full_count FROM gz_sam_places WHERE = 5 AND gz_sam_places.trash IS FALSE;
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