Database inserts containing "ID" get quoted DAVID -> "DAVID"
Hi! And first of all, thanks for your work, PG4WP is really helpful for our project.
We built a website using apache + postgresql + WordPress + PG4WP + some home made plugins to get a members database.
When we insert or update a database field with text data containing “ID”, it gets quoted by the pg4wp driver. Ex: DAVID becomes “DAVID”.We think that the field get changed at the line 434 of the driver:
// Field names with CAPITALS need special handling if( false !== strpos($sql, 'ID') && false === strpos($sql, '/*+NO_PARSE */')) { $pattern = '/ID([^ ])/'; $sql = preg_replace($pattern, 'ID $1', $sql); $pattern = '/ID$/'; $sql = preg_replace($pattern, 'ID ', $sql); $pattern = '/\(ID/'; $sql = preg_replace($pattern, '( ID', $sql); $pattern = '/,ID/'; $sql = preg_replace($pattern, ', ID', $sql); <strong>$pattern = '/[0-9a-zA-Z_]+ID/'; $sql = preg_replace($pattern, '"$0"', $sql);</strong> $pattern = '/\.ID/'; $sql = preg_replace($pattern, '."ID"', $sql); $pattern = '/[\s]ID /'; $sql = preg_replace($pattern, ' "ID" ', $sql); $pattern = '/"ID "/'; $sql = preg_replace($pattern, ' "ID" ', $sql); } // CAPITALS
You can see that we tried to put a conditional comment in the sql query to don’t get parsed. But this didn’t solved our problem.
The SQL code in our plugin is native Postgresql. Unfortunately, I can’t give you a test access to our site.
We don’t really understand why do you need to do a conversion when you find an “ID” string. If you could explain a little bit the utility of this, we could find an solution to our code. Or maybe a way to say to the driver that our code is native postgresql code and don’t try to do any replacement on it (like our try to do conditional comments).
It’s messing with a large number of queries. Selects, Inserts and Updates.
Like this one:
SELECT /*+NO_PARSE */ wp_u_membres_principal(%d,%d,%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%d) as histo_membres_id
or this one:
$stmt = select * from [prefix]s_membres_actifs() [test-supplementaire] order by nom,prenoms; $stmt = str_replace("[prefix]", $wpdb->prefix, $stmt); $stmt = str_replace("[test-supplementaire]", " where date_de_deces is null and annee_de_deces is null and mois_de_deces is null and sans_date_de_deces is null".($nom_membre == "" ? "" : " and nom like %s"), $stmt); $sql = $wpdb->prepare($stmt,($nom_membre == "" ? null : "%".$nom_membre."%"));
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