• Hi there – i tried to establish a new site yesterday. I am beginner and followed tutorials so here is what i have done
    I use Cpanel accelerated so i opened a new account for my new domain, then in the cpanel for this new account i have created a database, user, gave all the privileges to the user and set up a password. Then i downloaded wordpress, changed the database name, user and pass in the config file and uploaded the files via ftp in the public html folder of the site. I also changed the server names with those of my server on godaddy. When all this was finished, i went to https://fantasyguitars.com/wp-config.php and entered the name of my database, user and password and when i tried to log into my website via https://fantasyguitars.com/wp-admin/ i got a database error. When wordpress tried to repair it this is what i got
    wp_posts: Table ‘fantasyg_database.wp_posts’ doesn’t exist
    Any clues what have i done wrong and how to fix this? Thank you

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  • Thread Starter jelenaskopje


    guys please – i tried establishing another site as well and got the same problem. tables are missing. i tried to delete the database and wordpress files and create a new database and upload wordpress once again but nothing. i am following the same routine i have used for the last 10 sites i have established… anything would help?

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