• Hi, recently my Theme programmer upgraded with addition of PMPro then, after i activate the plugin, the website is working great but it generated dozen of errors into WP install folder`s file error_log, this is one line from it:
    [22-Nov-2014 00:55:12 UTC] WordPress database error Duplicate column name ‘javo_allow_post’ for query alter table wp_membership_levels add javo_allow_post bigint(20) unsigned not null default 0 made by require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), require_once(‘wp-load.php’), require_once(‘wp-config.php’), require_once(‘wp-settings.php’), include(‘/themes/myTheme/functions.php’), require_once(‘/themes/mytheme/library/load.php’), require_once(‘/themes/mytheme/library/functions/javo-pmp-functions.php’), javo_custom_paid_memberships_plugin->__construct, javo_custom_paid_memberships_plugin::modify_pmp_table, W3_Db->query, W3_DbCache->query, W3_DbCallUnderlying->query, W3_Db->query, W3_DbProcessor->query, W3_Db->default_query

    Any help will be appreciated, Thanks


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