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  • Are you on 3.4.7 or 3.4.8? The former might have been causing an issue depending on how your server was configured to handle errors. The latter should work just fine.

    FYI … I just had a possibly related issue with 3.4.8. Upon first install and config I ran the backup as suggested before changing the db prefixes. I received the email but unfortunately failed to notice there was no attachment.

    After pressing the backup button my site broke and defaulted to the WP install page. I was able to rebuild a WP-config file to get it running again after looking up the new prefixes in php-myadmin. This is a new install of WP 3.5.1 with only WordPress SEO plugin running.

    I reactivated the plugin and tried running a backup from the Backup tab, again got the email but no attachment.

    Thread Starter xs256


    @bit51 I’m running the 3.4.8

    I’m running 3.4.8 and I’m getting the same error message.

    Anyone else unable to backup there database?

    exactly the same thing that happened to film shooter happened to me this morning. =( not happy


    i installed BWPS before two days, but when m clicking on backup, m redirecting to blank page…

    help me,, even m not getting my backup on my mail ID.


    I just want to report that I’m having similar problems. I have not received a copy of a database backup file for a few weeks now. I am using BWPS 3.4.8. The plugin still says that my last databae file was generated yesterday and the next will be created tomorrow, as expected. The files just never turn up in my inbox.

    I just tried to manually create a database back up file and got this error message:

    Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/bizdocs/public_html/wp-content/plugins/better-wp-security/inc/backup.php on line 92

    I am a novice in the webdev field so would appreciate some pointers as to how to fix this problem.

    As far as I can tell, other BWPS plugin functions seem to be working because I keep getting regular File Lockout Notices.



    I have a similar issue.
    click create backup > error 500 page

    A short amount of time passed between my last successful backup and now, so hopefully that helps to narrow the issue.

    Here’s what I did after the successful backup and before the failed backup:

    -Installed P3 Performance Profiler. It crashed my site.
    -Removed P3 Performance Profiler in FTP. back to normal.

    Later, I…
    -Tested a sample post. got error. Went to update permalinks
    -Was asked to update manually in FTP (haven’t done that before)
    -Added the update to the bottom of .htaccess (not replacing any code)
    -Tested the post, it worked. Went to backup, it failed (error 500)

    Hopefully this helps to diagnose the issue. I can backup another way, but I like being able to use Better WP Security.

    Hi, I also got a 500 error twice, tried to start over and then the option to make a database did not show up. I have not received any email.
    I have backed up the database manually via MySQL, but am hesitant to proceed since it may break the site.

    I run the latest WP version – just installed it actually.

    I’m guessing there’s either a plugin conflict or it’s a backend issue to take up with my host.

    I’ve been unable to find a solution to this other than resetting the DB with “WordPress Database Reset” and starting over. I don’t know of any other solution at the moment (and I’ve done quite a bit of searching).

    Try a fresh install of WP (after backing up w/ different plugin[s]; I used “WP Backup to Dropbox” and WordPress’ “Export” and “Import” tools) and install BWPS ONLY. Get it configured just how you want, then create a backup. Install your theme, create another backup. Install and configure 1 – 2 plugins, then create another backup. Repeat this until the error appears. Now you’ll have an idea of what is causing the error AND you’ll have a backup from just before the error occurred.

    If all else fails, you’ll have your Dropbox backup handy.

    i opened a similar post and if you look at the posts there are at least 5 posts regarding the create database backup not working

    None of the threads so far have provided me with a solution. It is very frustrating.

    On a fresh WP install and a brand new DB, BWPS was the first plugin I installed. My first backup worked perfectly, so I continued with more plugins and configurations. at some point (in less than a 3 hour time frame) something happened, and backups broke.

    My post above outlines a partial solution for that issue, but something definitely needs to be done on the BWPS end to fix this.



    Not only 5, but I’m sure more than 10. Even now it’s working on your website, you still need check it regularly because many have reported and said it stop working but previously was working correctly.

    I’ve been monitoring this issue since many months ago. There still no fix, but a quick solution: use other backup plugin.

    Hi, all

    I would just like to advise that after many weeks with no backups from BWPS, BWPS notified a plugin update to version 3.5.2. After I installed the update and reconfigured the Backup section in Settings, the Backup function started to work again. My fingers are crossed, I am touching wood, but everything has now been working for nine days.


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