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  • Hello.

    Can I fix this issue is to disable Breadcrumbs inside Yoast SEO settings?

    Anonymous User 17737213


    SIMPLE & SHORT meaning: – Google stopped to use the data-vocabulary markups [aka RDFa] – So, we need to change our websites to markups.

    We will keep update the working samples here. Keep check this page often for next few days..

    Was able to fix Data-Vocabulary.Org Schema Deprecated Warning Error Message. I didn’t have coding knowledge but thanks to the tutorial explained in the article >>>>

    Just a duplicate of my theme and a button of activation.

    my sites also affected by this, how to resolve?

    @trimmereo your theme author will fix it, or just ask him when …probably he already pushed the fix, so see if your theme has an upgrade ready for you…


    The warning error was fixed but there is something I noticed that I felt was wrong. I used CODE

      <li itemprop=”itemListElement” itemscope

      <span itemprop=”name”>Dresses</span>

      <meta itemprop=”position” content=”1″ />

      ? <li itemprop=”itemListElement” itemscope

      <span itemprop=”name”>Real Dresses</span>

      <meta itemprop=”position” content=”2″ />

    But for any new article I published, I noticed that On Google Snippet, nothing was showing only the website URL that displayed.

    How do I edit the code to display:
    1. website URL
    2. website Snippet

    that is to say, on google search diplayed page, my website URL should indicate and the snippet content. It shouldn’t be just a website HOMEPAGE.

    Please GUYS help.

    This is a fairly detailed article, but the language is Vietnamese, you can go to the website to change the language to English to learn the article.

    I am also getting data vocabulary schema error for my website. Pls let me if solution for this.

    **You are getting this error because “some” or “all” your Structured Data definitions are referring to instead of****.** (
    It is very likely that issue is coming on your breadcrumb as we all used to just copy that definition earlier, which referred to a “now deprecated” vocabulary.
    You are referring to a data-vocabulary. ( (which is now deprecated) for your SD, and not You need to use the JSON-LD structure Data format in order to get rid of this error. First, you need to visit website and scroll down to find the data format tab with JSON-LD structure (recommended by Google) and find the right vocabulary property as per

    You can access google search console => Advanced features => Links to see if your website receives notifications about changes in data structure “Data-vocabulary” or not. Switching to the structure will make your web articles more detailed and richer with Google’s search engine.
    To know if your web structure is “Data-vocabulary” or, use the Structured data Testing tool ( provided by Google and type a URL to test for any SD related errors.
    For example, if you are using a data.vocabulary as your data structure vocabulary, then you will find the following in your breadcrumb
    itemtype=” (

    This is exactly why you are getting this error. You may plan to use RDFa or Microdata, however, you are referring to a data-vocabulary for your SD, which is now deprecated.
    **Information extracted from the following article:**

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