Hi danishhaidri,
Sorry for inconvenience,
We need more details about your issue, so we need to ask more questions about this what exactly is not working.
1) You are not able to select option Input data source type select-box after you choose second option in table wizard “Create a data table from an existing data source“?
If that is true, then it is possible that you have conflict with some other plugin or theme that is using bootstrap framework as we are and they including their files on all admin pages, not just on theirs. You can try to change the theme and also deactivate plugins one by one to check out with which there is a conflict. When you found it and you need it for your project( you can not deactivate it) then you can try to turn off option “Include full bootstrap back-end” that you can find it in main settings of plugin.
2) You are able to choose option from that select box, but you are not able to create table from chosen data source? or you are able to create table from your data source, but you are not able to create charts form that table?
In this case you will need to provide us that data source so we can test it in our local environment. You can use any upload server like https://wetransfer.com/,https://easyupload.io/ or any other that you use.
3) You create table with first option in table wizard “Create a simple table from scratch“ and then you try to create chart from it?
When you create simple table you will find Notice message between simple editor and table preview section where is explained that some features is not possible with those tables. One of them is that at the moment creating charts with simple tables is not possible.
4) If previous cases are not related with your issue please explain us in little more details or send us some screenshots/screen-cast/video about your issue so we can see what is going on.
Best regards.
This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by