Big smile, you are real giving away your knowledge and effort, I appreciate so much and give me hope on a world of cooperation.
It about a new European law that will effect the internet. In the mail below you will find a link to more information about that law.
Thank you for your answer, it’s oke as you do not pick up the subscriber information. Jumping around with free forum plugins, sometimes I asumed forum/ comment plugins took information out of the website. Now I as a website owner has to give my subscribers the security that their information is not shared with third parties.
Looked at your website, you are living on a nice place, I was several times in Sydney!
Kind regards of Anna
Social Europe Ltd.
Dear reader,
On 25 May 2018 the EU General Data Protection Legislation (GDPR) will come into effect. At Social Europe we welcome this new legislation as it will put into law some of the best practices that we have followed for a long time. We want to take this opportunity to update you on how we handle your personal data.
1) We only have one email product – our newsletter – that includes updates and information about freely accessible Social Europe publications, publications for sale and sponsored messages. This is what readers sign up for.
2) We only collect and process your email addresses. In the past we also collected names but we no longer do that as we only want to collect the minimum amount of data needed. Please note that under GDPR you will have the right to ask us at any time to receive a copy of your processed personal data.
We do not disclose your email addresses to any third party, except to AWeber Communications who is our current email service provider that distributes our newsletter. AWeber Communications have confirmed that they will be fully compliant with all aspects of GDPR by 25 May.
3) In order to subscribe to our newsletter, we use double opt-in, so new subscribers need to sign up themselves and verify their newsletter subscription by clicking on a link in a confirmation email. Therefore, we have long complied with GDPR’s “requirement for consent”.
4) Under GDPR you will have the right to request the deletion of your personal data. Our newsletters already contain a link to end your subscription immediately or modify it. Upon receipt of an unsubscribe request, we delete your personal data from our system. In addition, we periodically delete the personal data of subscribers who haven’t opened an email in some time to keep our data clean and limited to an active subscriber base.
We constantly monitor how we handle your personal data to ensure that we fully comply with GDPR. Click here for more information on our privacy policy.
Best regards
The Social Europe Team