data migration (media files) from to a system
I hope, that this is not a double posting. I used the search function of this support forum for “data migration”, but have not found a relevant posting.
Here my “problem”. 1st the facts: I used now 2 years a wordpress blog system hosted cost free at . It was a great pleasure to work all the years with this dashboard and text editor and the ongoing optimizing. Very user friendly and a very intuitive learning by doing… thank’s to the WordPress team !
Now I’d like to be more free in my individual adaptions as my media project IMC OnAir – IMCRadio.Net is progressing, so I decided to set up an own WordPress system, and found herefore a good hoster ( as I have tested this provider with a smaller blog during last three month, same set up with wordpress ( ).
Siteground likes to give me now a support for easy going data migration mirroring my old blog to the new platform, especially the media files (images (mostly jpg, gif and bmp), pdfs).
All my 600 articles (posts + pages) I’d like to import onto the new blog by an automaticed process, same text and media files…With a test version the “old design” (theme) seems to have no bugs even with the new 2.8 version as it has been proofed in a test environment on the Siteground platforms (Linux) during last days –
Yet, there is no content inside… as it needs the backupping/transfer of all media files… impossible with this amount to do it by hand.
The Tech team of Siteground would need an FTP account at, but as we know, there is no FTP, only the dashboard. And the simple export/import function is generating one single XML file (without the media files copied).
Now my question….
Can give me (or a support that Siteground or on my own can transfer the masses of media files inclusive the structure which is behind to the new blog system ? – Would be great…
My radio show is the single all years programme for Indian music culture in whole German language area. It is a non commercial project, but it would give a good image promotion (named in the footer of each article/page).
I hope for your support.
If it would be helpful for the Tech Service of (or at Siteground I have a seperate FTP File server and you can get a seperate account, so the whole (sub) direcory structure and all media files might be tranferred easily without big efforts. Do not hesitate to write me a direct email if you need such an account.
Hearing from you soon… thank you so fare…
Greetings from ElJay, Hamburg/North Germany.
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