Hi @novakpeter
Antispam Bee dashboard widget indicates, there were some spam comments yesterday. But when I go to Dashboard>Comments>Spam, there is nothing.
This could be the case if “Delete comments by spam reasons” is checked. Those comments count for the widget but are deleted immediately:
In Antispam Bee setting, I have checked “Mark as Spam, do not delete”. Also, I set “Delete existing spam after 30 days”. So, is Antispam Bee deleting spam comments ignoring the setting?
This is a misunderstanding. If “Mark as Spam, do not delete” is checked, spam is not deleted immediately, so that you can check it for false positives.
But spam mostly comes in waves and after a period of time you should delete the old spam, because otherwise your database gets bigger and bigger with all the spam comments in it.
That’s why we have this “Delete existing spam after x days” feature. Like the trash, you can now rescue false positives for x days. After that those comments get deleted automatically.
I discovered that when I set Antispambee to send me an email when a spam is detected, it works OK (puts the comment in the spam category).
This needs more investigation. If the comment IS spam and should be deleted, then this is wrong putting it in spam. If there is no mail involved it should be doing the same, just send no mail.
I am using “All In One WP Security” plugin with “Block Spambots From Posting Comments” enabled
I don’t know how this work. Maybe they use the same filters and this could be conflicting. Depends on how and when things work …
Can you share more details? More settings and maybe the content of one of those notification mails?
Thanks in advance!
All the best