• I left this on the installation board. I think it’s better here.

    I have 5 sites on one server. One of the sites is not alerting that 3,8 is available. I went to the “Updates” tab and clicked search for updates. Still nothing.

    4 of the sites, worked perfectly, 1 of them isn’t finding the update. I don’t want to force the update if there’s something causing the alert to not come up.

    This is what it says:

    You have the latest version of WordPress. Future security updates will be applied automatically.

    Learn more about WordPress 3.7.

    Any reason the WordPress 3.7 won’t find the update?

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  • Ask your hosting company.

    Thread Starter BushwackCA49


    Any Ideas out there? Been on the phone for last 2 hrs with the host tech and they have no idea why one out 5 wordpress installs won’t update.

    Have you tried deactivating all plugins and switching to a default theme in case any are doing that?

    Have you tried updating manually if it’s not going automatically?


    Thread Starter BushwackCA49


    Yep tried that first. Then waited a day and checked if update notification showed up. Nope. Still thinks 3.7 is the latest version.

    Thread Starter BushwackCA49


    Oh, Then I tried to force an upgrade through my host using the “Mojo” tools. It started to upgrade then it just said “error” but no other info. That’s when I called the bluehost and we went through a bunch of stuff. Can’t find anything different than the other sites.

    I’m thinking about doing a complete reinstall and seeing if it helps. But I really hoped someone here has experienced the problem and found the solution.

    Thread Starter BushwackCA49


    I was concerned that if I manually updated it, that what ever is causing the “error” would cause other problems with the site and just compound the issue.. You think I should manually do it anyway and see what happens WPyogi?

    Yep, I’d do it manually, but do backup your site first, please :)!

    Thread Starter BushwackCA49


    I’ve backed up everything from the SQL DB to the entire site folder. I will do it later tonight being this is a well traffic’d site and I don’t want to upend it during high traffic hours.
    Keep your eye open for the next thread titled “Wpygi told me to do it now it’s broke”

    LOL – well this is YOUR site and YOUR choice! If it’s backed up, you’re pretty well covered.

    Thread Starter BushwackCA49


    I’ll let you know how it turns out. Thanks for the help. One thing though. It seems other folks are having this issue. The developers might want to find out why so they can fix it in the next upgrade.

    I found this thread while looking for a solution to the same problem. In my case I’m dealing with a set of machines which are all clones of the same base. First I upgraded the development server and all is well. I then upgraded the test server and that is also well. Finally, I went to upgrade the production server and that only went to 3.7.1 and refuses to see the 3.8 upgrade.

    As I said, these are all clones of the same base, so apart from IP address and hostname they are all identical. Any suggestions?

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