• Hi,
    This plugin is exactly what I’m after but doesn’t seem to QUITE work.
    If I login and access the ‘subscriber’ site the dashboard link IS hidden from the ‘My Sites’ drop down.
    However, if I then visit a site where I’m admin on, the ‘Dashboard’ link reappears in the flyout for site I’m a subscriber on.

    I’m assuming this is a bug? Is it a known bug though?

    many thanks,



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  • Plugin Contributor kpdesign


    @alex: Apologies for the delay in responding. I was out of town at a conference for most of the week.

    It’s not a bug, but an untested use case. The plugin works with WordPress roles and capabilities to determine whether to show the link or not, based on the user’s role for that site. The determination is based on what capability a the logged in user has [current_user_can( 'capability' )] for the site they are on.

    There is no code in the plugin to test a user’s role across multiple sites, and hide where appropriate. So it does work, just not in the mixed role case you have.

    One question – when you are on the admin site, if you click on the dashboard link for the subscriber site from the My Sites menu, are you redirected to your profile on that site or are you sent to the subscriber site’s dashboard?

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I’ll take a look and see if there’s anything that can be done to solve it.

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