• Resolved spherical


    Ok, this is now bending my brain. I noticed the other day that the Dashboard isn’t displaying the WP feeds: Dev Blog, News, Plugins & Links. Hangs on “Loading…”; but only on some sites. Others load as expected. When the feeds don’t load, the Ajax Screen Options check boxes have no effect and widget drag-and-drop doesn’t work. (These symptoms may be tied together—the options/drag doesn’t enable until the feed load completes.)

    Don’t know exactly when this happened. There have been a few plugin updates recently and those are the likely culprits. Rolling back to earlier versions had no effect, however.

    Two separate Multisite subdomain installs (A and B).
    Primary blog on both A and B work as expected.
    2 out of 4 Sub-blog Dashboards on install A work OK.
    0 out of 6 Sub-blog Dashboards on install B work OK.
    (Although I could swear that one did when I first began troubleshooting this.)
    All are running different Themes.
    Swapped-in a theme from a non-working site on one that works. Still loads feeds properly.
    After trying sequentially, starting with the recent updates, and obtaining no positive results, deactivated all plugins on one site. No effect.
    Looked for widgets on the frontend that are common to working or not working. No correlation and disabling one that is unique to one blog that doesn’t work had no effect.
    Refreshed all Core files. No effect.
    Checked with Firebug. Nothing looked odd.
    Checked using IE7. Same non-operation.

    THEN, while writing this, something came to mind. While using Web Developer to check CSS and JS loading last night, I noticed that JQuery had been updated to 1.5. Hmmm, this has the ring of truth. I’m running Use Google Libraries as an mu-plugin. Deactivated it. Feeds load properly and Ajax works! I altered the code; limiting the JQuery version that it is loading to 1.4.x and the plugin now loads v1.4.4 and all of the blog dashboards work.

    WHY this non-operation is not ubiquitous across all sub-blogs, only some, and why the primary blog works in all cases, is still a mystery that I’d love to understand.

    Time to go check all of my other non-WP sites that load the CDN JQuery. …And they all work as expected. Only WP3.0.x is incompatible with the new JQuery, it seems.

    Just thought I’d get this into the database, so that others might benefit.

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  • I noticed the other day that the Dashboard isn’t displaying the WP feeds: Dev Blog, News, Plugins & Links. Hangs on “Loading…”; but only on some sites. Others load as expected. When the feeds don’t load, the Ajax Screen Options check boxes have no effect and widget drag-and-drop doesn’t work. (These symptoms may be tied together—the options/drag doesn’t enable until the feed load completes.)

    Go in the db for the wonky blogs, clear out the rss_transient_feeds tables. ?? I bet they are chock full.

    Thread Starter spherical


    Nope. Weren’t all that many, and some of them that didn’t work had only the minimum. Cleared them anyway, just for the education value of it, along with a lot of cruft left by poorly written plugins that are long gone, set JQuery to load v1.5 again and no change from when it was v1.5 before. And, those options wouldn’t have any effect on drag-and-drop and widget drop-down not working; which they didn’t, again, with v1.5 loaded. Put it back to load v1.4.4 and it all works.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    set JQuery to load v1.5 again and no change from when it was v1.5 before.

    Ohhh. But HOW did you do that?

    Thread Starter spherical


    Ohhhh. What’s that supposed to mean? Sounds scary.

    I’m running Use Google Libraries as an mu-plugin.

    Change /1/ to /1.4/ and it limits the version range. Want me to swap in v1.5 to the core files location, just to make sure I’m not Borking things up by calling Google’s API? Who knows, it might make some esoteric difference but it’s worked perfectly all this time; right up until the version got silently incremented. Why the resistance to information?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Okay, I’m doing that too without any issues. Which is actually why I wanted to know HOW you did it. I’ve done it manually a few times .. How did you specify it as 1.5?

    (Resistance to information? Who and the what?)

    Thread Starter spherical


    Well, you don’t specify it as 1.5—you also don’t specify it as 1.[anything]. If you just call the CDN with /1/ by removing any point version numbers from that section of the path, the CDN will load whatever is the current shipping version automagically. This is how I stay up-to-date. BUT, this working transparently in the background is what broke the WP Admin AJAX.

    Now, while waiting for plugin developers to upgrade their code to be compatible with WP 3.1, so I can upgrade without stepping on all of the landmines, I decided to try some other methods of loading the libraries. Jason Penney’s code seemed to be the most comprehensive, having checks for all sorts of conditions, so I tried it. Works well but loads the current-shipping version that WP calls locally.

    Modified the code to load JQuery 1.5 and the frontend works as expected but the WP Admin AJAX breaks again. So, that pretty much cements the conclusion that anything above v1.4.2 is incompatible with WP3.0, and probably earlier.

    Not wanting to be denied my latest JQuery in the frontend, I added this section to the plugin code at line 243:

    if ( !is_admin() && $name == 'jquery' ) {
      $ver = '1';

    Frontend loads v1.5.1. Backend loads v1.4.2 and the AJAX works.

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